Columbia, SC | On Wednesday, November 18, John DeWorken, Owner/Partner of Sunnie & DeWorken, participated in a SC Governor Press Conference where Governor McMaster announced unemployment insurance (UI) rates would be frozen for 2021.  More specifically, each class rate will remain the same (companies may move tiers, but the tiers cost remains the same).

This was a result of your lobbyists working with others to provide relief to the thousands of SC businesses, many of which are reeling from the Pandemic.  In fact, out of the $1.9B Fed money received for the CARES Act, $920M of that was put into the UI Trust Fund to keep rates level.

Make sure that you are responding to SC Department of Employment and Workforce (SC DEW) when they send you separation notices.  In order to be held harmless for layoffs, you need to make sure you are reporting that they are COVID-19 related if that is the case.

Featured in photo: Gov. McMaster, SCDEW Dir. Ellzey, Sens. Thomas Alexander and Shane Massey, NFIB Exec Dir. Ben Homeyer, SC Chamber CEO Ted Pitts, SC Manufacturers Alliance CEO Sara Hazzard, SC Retail Assoc. Exec Dir. Rebecca Leach and others


Please reach out to John DeWorken should you have any questions or concerns.


John DeWorken
Sunnie & DeWorken
Government Relations and Advocacy
PO Box 9793
Greenville, SC 29604

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